

您的位置:首页 > 中国糖尿病杂志 > 2015年 > 2期


来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:郭立新|点击数:|2015-02-06


  【摘要】我国T2DM患者血糖谱的主要特征是餐后高血糖。当口服药控制餐后血糖疗效不佳时, IDF《餐后血糖管理指南》推荐联用预混胰岛素进一步治疗。中比例预混胰岛素类似物作为速效成分与中效成分等比例混合的预混胰岛素类似物,具有良好的药代动力学特征,可有效改善餐后血糖,且注射方式方便灵活,患者治疗依从性高,可作为临床T2DM治疗的优选方案之一。


  【summary】The characteristic feature of glucose profiles is high postprandial plasma glucose in Chinese T2DM patients. IDF Guideline recommends that T2DM patients whose postprandial plasma glucose cannot beadequately controlled by oral antidiabetic drugs, should combine premixed insulin for treatment. Containing 50% insulin formulation for rapid action and 50% that for intermediate action, mid-ratio premix insulin analogues show exceptional characteristic of pharmacokinetics, are able to efficiently improve high postprandial plasma glucose, and, with the route of administrationflexible and convenience, can enhance patient compliance. Mid-ratio premix insulin analogues can be one of the optimal option for T2DM treatment.

  【Key words】 Biphasic insulin aspart 50; Diabetes mellitus, type 2; Postprandial plasma glucose;Hyperglycemia


上一篇:糖尿病与肺部疾病的研究进展 下一篇:已经是最后一篇了

