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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:龚瑜 汪银珍|点击数:|2014-02-13

  【摘要】 目 的 探讨糖尿病与牙周病的相关性。方法 调查对比分析DM组与非糖尿病(NDM)组相关指标。再将DM组中的牙周病患者随机分为4组,并在控制血糖的基础上给予不同治疗。A组仅保持口腔清洁,不针对牙周病治疗;B组接受口腔常规治疗;C组接受口腔常规治疗联合甲硝唑控释药膜治疗;D组在C组基础上加用盐酸米诺环素。分析各组治疗效果。 结果 DM组牙周病发病率高于NDM组(P<0.05)。牙周病病症指标与FPG呈正相关(r≥0.136, P<0.05)。D组的治疗效果最佳,好转率和有效率分别为61.90%和73.81%,均高于其余3组(P<0.05)。结论 糖尿病患者牙周病发病率高,控制血糖治疗并给予积极治疗可有助于降低牙周病发病率。

  【关键词】 临床研究;糖尿病;糖尿病牙周病

The clinical research on the relationship between the diabetes and the periodontal disease GONG yu, WANG Yin-zhen. Department of Emergency ,Kunming Medical University Dental Hospital,kunming 650031,China

  【Abstract】 Objective To explore the correlation between diabetes and periodontal disease. Methods In a retrospective survey, we analyzed the related indicators of the 450 Diabetics (DM group) and 450 non-diabetics (NDM group). The patients with periodontal disease in DM group were randomly divided into four groups: A group A only keeping receiving oral hygiene without periodontal disease treatment, B group B receiving routine dental oral conventional treatment; group C receiving routine oral conventional treatment plus metronidazole, and group D receiving minocycline as add-on therapy to group C drugs ,and all four groups received hypoglycemic agents controlling high blood glucose. The therapeutic effect of 4 groups was analyzed. Results The prevalence of periodontal disease in the DM group was higher than the NDM group (P<0.05).There was significant positive correlation between the illness indicators of periodontal disease and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) (r≥0.136, P<0.05). The therapeutic effect of group D was the best, and the improvement rate indicators of periodontal disease and fasting plasma glucose were 61.90% and 73.81%, respectively, and the improvement rates were higher in group D than other three groups. Conclusion The diabetes has a significantly important influence on the periodontal disease. The glycemic control and physical activity treatment can help reduce the morbidity of periodontal disease.

  【Keywords】 Clinical research ;Diabetes mullitus;Periodontal disease

上一篇:肾上腺皮质腺瘤患者高血糖的患病情况及术后改变 下一篇:微小RNA-146a转染的H9c2心肌细胞高糖培养下NF-κBp65和Ι型胶原的表达