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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:屈岭 梁晓春|点击数:|2014-02-13



Autophagy and type 2 diabetes mellitus QU Ling, LIANG Xiao-chun. Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730,China

Corresponding author: LIANG Xiao-chun, E-mail: xcliang@vip.sina.com

  【Summary】Autophagy is one of the main defense mechanisms of the body against the material and energy metabolic disorders, which can maintain normal structure and function of pancreatic β cells, improve IR. Some diabetic drugs are also involved in the regulation of the autophagy. We reviewed the study on the effect of autophagy on T2DM in recent years.

  【Key words】Autophagy;Diabetes mellitus,type 2;Insulin resistance (IR);Oxidative stress

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