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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:洪天配|点击数:|2013-09-26


  【摘要】 T2DM患者普遍存在肠促胰素效应受损。胰升糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)是最重要的一种肠促胰素,其可葡萄糖依赖性刺激胰岛β细胞分泌胰岛素、抑制α细胞不适当分泌胰升糖素,从而改善患者的血糖控制,并且不增加低血糖风险。因此,基于肠促胰素药物是治疗T2DM的新策略,其中包括GLP-1受体激动剂和二肽基肽酶-4(DPP-4)抑制剂两大类。本文对各种基于肠促胰素药物的优缺点进行评述。

  【关键词】 糖尿病,2型;肠促胰素;胰升糖素样肽-1受体激动剂;二肽基肽酶-4抑制剂

Comparison of different incretin-based agents in T2DM patients  HONG Tian-pei. Department of Endocrinology, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China

  【Summary】 Impaired incretin effect has been identified in patients with T2DM. Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is one of the two major incretins. GLP-1 stimulates insulin secretion from pancreatic β cells and inhibits glucagon secretion from a cells in a glucose concentration-dependent manner. Incretin-based agents, GLP-1 receptor agonists and dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 inhibitors, result in better glucose control without increased risk of hypoglycemia, and therefore represent a novel strategy for the treatment of T2DM. The advantage and disadvantage of different incretin-based agents are discussed in this article.

  【Key words】Diabetes mellitus, Type 2; Incretin; Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist; Dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 inhibitors

上一篇:糖尿病与阿尔茨海默病的关系及研究进展 下一篇:用钙通道阻滞剂预防β细胞丢失和糖尿病