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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:陆菊明 纪立农 郭晓惠 谷伟军|点击数:|2013-09-26


  【摘要】 目的 了解我国城市地区医院门诊T2DM患者人胰岛素使用情况、HbA1c达标率及相关影响因素。 方法 在全国范围内314家三级甲等医院内分泌专科门诊选取符合纳入和排除标准,且采用人胰岛素单用或联用口服降糖药治疗方案的T2DM患者,获取相关信息。 结果 共纳入T2DM患者80407例,其中男44031例,女36376例,平均病程(6.74±4.31)年。起始人胰岛素治疗时平均病程为(3.75±3.33)年。因口服降糖药物疗效不佳而改用起始人胰岛素治疗占84.6%。平均人胰岛素用量为(31.6±9.43 )U/d,餐时胰岛素+基础胰岛素、餐时胰岛素、基础胰岛素和预混人胰岛素的构成比分别为3.06%、3.78%、3.40%和89.8%。调查对象的HbA1c 达标率(<7%)为27.0%,FPG达标率(<7.2 mmol/L)为42.9%,2 hPG达标率(≤10.0 mmol/L)为49.8%。结论 中国T2DM患者应用人胰岛素治疗中预混人胰岛素的构成比最高,不同治疗方案者的HbA1c 、空腹和餐后血糖达标率均不高。

  【关键词】 糖尿病, 2型; 糖化血红蛋白 ;胰岛素; 血糖控制

Glycemic and HbA1c controls of T2DM patients treated with human insulin in China LU Ju-ming, JI Li-nong, GUO Xiao-hui, et al. Endocrinology of Department,General Hospital, People's Liberation Army ,100853 Beijing,China

  【Abstract】Objective To assess the glycemic and HbA1c controls of T2DM patients receiving treatment of human insulin regimen in China. Methods From March to June in 2012, T2DM outpatients on the therapy of human insulin, meeting the inclusion criteria, with complete patient medical records, were selected from 314 hospitals across China and filled out the information form. Results Valid data were obtained from 80407 patients, including 44031 males and 36276 females. Patients aged 59.3±10.3 years. The average duration of diabetes was 6.74±4.31 years. The average diabetic course before starting the initial human insulin was 3.75 ± 3.33 years. The 84.6% of patients started insulin therapy due to the poor effect of oral hypoglycemic agents. The average dosage of human insulin was 31.6±9.43 IU/d. Among patients treated with human insulin, the proportions of patients receiving Short-acting-NPH, Short-acting, premixed, and NPH were 3.06%, 3.78%, 89.8% and 3.4% respectively. The percentage of patients achieving HbA1c target (<7.0%), FPG (<7.2mmol/L), 2hPG (≤10mmol/L) was 27.0%, 42.9%, 49.8% respectively. Conclusion The glycemic and HbA1c controls were poor in human insulin treated T2DM patients in China. The proportions of patients receiving premixed human insulin were highest.

  【Key words】Diabetes mellitus, type 2; Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c); Insulin, Glucose control

上一篇:心理治疗对糖尿病伴抑郁障碍的疗效观察 下一篇:胰岛素泵和多次胰岛素皮下注射在2型糖尿病患者择期手术围手术期临床应用比j较