来自:中国糖尿病杂志 编辑:赵蕾 高岱峰 曲建昌等|点击数:|2016-03-06
【摘要】 目的 观察血尿酸(SUA)与发生慢性肾功不全(CKD)风险的相关性。 方法 选取2009年3月于我院健康查体中显示血肌酐(Scr)水平正常,且完成3年随访者1181名为研究对象。根据SUA水平分为C1(<360 μmol/L)组726例,C2(360~420 μmol/L)组253例,C3(420~480 μmol/L)组156例,C4(>480 μmol/L)组79例。比较各组CKD发病情况,并分析发生CKD的危险因素。 结果 与C1组比较,其他各组TC[(4.91±0.93)vs(5.81±1.01),(5.28±0.83),(5.25±1.22) mmol/L]和TG[(1.11±0.58)vs(2.97±1.06),(2.13±1.26),(1.65±1.19)mmol/L]升高(P<0.05)。男性新发CKD患者在C1~C4组中所占比例分别为4.47%、12.13%、13.31%和14.72%;女性分别为2.17%、4.96%、18.21%和36.43%。Logistic分析结果显示,校正年龄、BMI、SBP、DBP等因素影响后,SUA升高是CKD发病的独立危险因素。 结论 SUA升高是该研究中某干部人群发生CKD的独立危险因素。
【关键词】 高尿酸血症;慢性肾功能不全;相关
Association between serum uric acid and early kidney damage in an sample of office workers—a population-based prospective study
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the association between serum uric acid(SUA) and the risk of chronic kidney disease(CKD). Methods A population of office employees underwent medical examination in March 2009 in our hospital. 1,181 with normal serum creatinine (Scr) completed three years of follow-up. All these subjects were divided into four groups according to the levels of SUA: C1 group (n=726, SUA<360 μmol/L), C2 group (n=253, SUA 360~420 μmol/L), C3 group (n=156, SUA 420~480 μmol/L), C4 group (n=79, SUA>480 μmol/L). eGFR was calculated according to MDRD (modification of diet in renal disease) equation. Early kidney damage was defined as eGFR ≤ 89 ml×min-1/×(1.732)-1. The incidence of CKD in each group and the risk factors were compared and analyzed. Results Compared with C1 group, the levels of TG[(1.11±0.58) vs (2.97±1.06),(2.13±1.26), (1.65±1.19) mmol/L] and TC [(4.91±0.93) vs (5.81±1.01),(5.28±0.83), (5.25±1.22) mmol/L] were higher than those in C2, C3 and C4 group (P<0.05). Newly diagnosed CKD in men of C1, C2, C3 and C4 groups were 4.47%, 12.13%, 13.31% and 14.72% respectively. Newly diagnosed CKD in women of 4 groups were 2.17%, 4.96%, 18.21% and 36.43% respectively. Logistic regression analysis with adjustment for age, gender, waist, and body mass index showed that hyperuricemia was an independent risk factor of CKD. Conclusion SUA is an independent risk factor of early kidney damage in this population of office workers.
【Key words】 Hyperuricemia; Chronic kidney disease(CKD);Correlation
版权所有:《中国糖尿病杂志》社 主管单位:中华人民共和国教育部 主办单位:北京大学
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