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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:潘晓东 周辰 尹冬华 赵慧娟 帅苏蓉 张|点击数:|2014-03-03


  【摘要】目的 了解T2DM对老年人群认知功能的影响,探讨简易筛查T2DM患者认知功能的方法。方法 选取T2DM患者(T2DM组)69例与非T2DM者(N-DM组)73例,分析蒙特利尔认知评估量表(MoCA)和简明智能精神状态检查量表(MMSE)的检测结果,比较认知功能障碍合并/未合并T2DM的认知检查差异。结果 两组MoCA量表检查中短时记忆[(2.8±1.6) vs (3.3±1.3),P<0.05]和画钟试验[(3.1±1.2) vs (3.4±1.0), P=0.054]较差。认知功能障碍患者中T2DM组认知功能损害范围更广。MoCA量表的延迟记忆以3分为界时,对诊断认知障碍的Kappa值为0.831。结论 T2DM对老年人群认知功能的影响主要表现在记忆力上,并对认知能力造成广泛损害。MoCA量表的延迟记忆可作为简易筛查认知功能障碍的手段。


T2DM impairs the scores of neuropsychological test in the elder PAN Xiao-dong,ZHOU Chen,YIN Dong-hua,et al.Jiangsu Provincial Geriatrics Research Institute,Nanjing 210024,China

  【Abstract】Object To study the distinction of cognitive function between the old patients with T2DM and those without it on neuropsychological tests. Method 69 T2DM patients and 73 Non-T2DM subjects were selected. Their neuropsychological tests scores of MoCA ,MMSE and CDT were compared. Result There was no distinction of the total scores on the MoCA and MMSE tests between two groups, but the T2DM patients had worse short-time memory [(2.8±1.6) vs (3.3±1.3),P<0.05] and CDT [(3.1±1.2) vs (3.4±1.0), P=0.054]. In all the patients with cognitive impairment, T2DM patients had lower scores on memory, executive function and calculative function tests than those without T2DM. The delay memory test on MoCA has high sensitivity and specificity in distinguishing individuals with or without cognitive impairment. Conclusion The elders with T2DM has worse memory than those without diabetes. The scores of delay memory on MoCA test was valuable in identifying those individuals with cognitive impairment.

  【Key words】MoCA;Aged;Diabetes mellitus,type 2

上一篇:垂体生长激素瘤患者血清激素水平的改变及其与糖代谢异常的关系 下一篇:地特胰岛素联合低剂量二甲双胍、阿卡波糖治疗老年超重与肥胖2型糖尿病疗效及安全性观察