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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:孙海珠 王德莹 贾茹 刘晶晶 邱晓红|点击数:|2014-03-03


  【摘要】报道1例T2DM合并盆腔脓肿、脑脓肿患者因“闭经伴下腹胀2年,发现盆腔包块十余天”入院。既往体健,未发现糖尿病。查体发现下腹部轻压痛,阴道黄色脓性分泌物。75 gOGTT确诊T2DM。盆腔脓肿、脑脓肿均经病灶切除术后病理证实。胰岛素、手术综合抗生素治疗有效。糖尿病与感染两者相互作用,同时治疗效果更佳。

  【关键词】 糖尿病,2型;盆腔脓肿;脑脓肿

A case report of type 2 diabetes mellitus with encephalopyosis and pelvic abscess SUN Hai-zhu,WANG De-ying,JIA Ru,et al.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Second Hospital Affiliated of Haerbin Medical University,Haerbin 150086,China

Corresponding author:QIU Xiao-hong,E-mail: xhqiu2011@163.com

  【Summary】 A 42-year-old woman complained of amenorrhea with abodominal distension two years long,found that pelviv masses more than ten days before hospitalization. Physical examination findings lower abdominal tenderness,and yellow purulent vaginal discharge.The patient was well before,not found diabetes.75 gOGTT showed a diagnosis of T2DM. Pelvic abscess and encephalopyosis were both confirmed by pathology.Insulin, surgical and antibiotic therapy were effective. We need to treat diabetes and infections at the same time.

  【Key words】 Diabetes mellitus,type 2;Pelvic abscess;Encephalopyosis

上一篇:二甲双胍对胰岛素抵抗状态的小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞中腺苷酸活化蛋白激酶及葡萄糖转运子4表达的影响 下一篇:低血糖性脑损伤的影像学研究进展