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1型糖尿病研究进展——12th IDS会议侧记

来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:杨帆 顾愹 杨涛|点击数:|2013-08-26


  【摘要】 T1DM是遗传易感个体在环境因素触发下,由T淋巴细胞介导的以胰岛β细胞选择性破坏为特征的器官特异性自身免疫性疾病,近年来,T1DM不论在基础还是临床研究领域都有了新的进展,现围绕2012年在加拿大维多利亚市召开的第12届国际自身免疫性糖尿病会议(IDS)内容,从发病机制、免疫标志物检测新技术、预防治疗临床研究、动物模型等方面对T1DM的全球研究进展和热点作简要评述。

  【关键词】  糖尿病,1型;IDS;研究进展

  Progress of Research on Type 1 Diabetes—Sidelights on the 12th IDS Conference YANG Fan, GU Rong, YANG Tao. Department of Endocrinology,The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China

  【Abstract】 T1DM is an organ-specific autoimmune disease resulting from T cell-mediated destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic β-cells. The recent years have been marked by a serious of new breakthroughs and progress in both fundamental and clinical research. This review will focus on the global progress and hotspot of T1DM around the 12th International Congress of the Immunology of Diabetes Society (IDS) from the aspects including pathogenesis, immunological indicators detection, clinical research of prevention and treatment and animal models, in the hope of offering thoughts and direction for scholars.

  【Key words】 Diabetes mellitus, type 1; Progress; IDS

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