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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:闫彩凤 向红丁|点击数:|2013-04-02



  闫彩凤 向红丁

  【提要】 成骨细胞特异性表达的ESP基因通过控制骨钙素的生物活性来参与对糖稳态的调节,成骨细胞ESP基因缺陷可以保护小鼠免于发生糖尿病和肥胖;成骨细胞交感神经通路是瘦素调节胰岛素分泌的主要机制。揭示了成骨细胞在维持机体糖稳态中的重要作用。

  【关键词】 成骨细胞;骨钙素;ESP基因;瘦素

  Study on osteoblasts maintaining glucose homeostatsis YAN Cai-feng, XIANG Hong-ding. Department of Endocrinology, Clinical Medical College of Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225001, China

  【Summary】 ESP is an osteoblasts-specificity gene. It can control the activation of osteocalcin to partake the regulation of glucose metabolism. Osteoblast ESP gene deficiency protects mice from incidence of diabetes and obesity. Leptin-dependent sympathetic suppression of insulin secretion occurs through the osteoblasts. Conversely, osteocalcin, an osteoblast-derived signaling molecule, regulates glucose metabolism resulting in increased insulin secretion and sensitivity. Osteoblast plays a very important role in maintaining glucose homeostatsis.

  【Key words】 Osteoblast; Osteocalin; ESP; Leptin

上一篇:克兰费尔特综合征合并糖尿病及骨质疏松1例 下一篇:β细胞功能缺失后的分子学和细胞学机制研究新领域:Id1基因—β细胞功能的新型抑制剂