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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:迟秀娥 吕树泉 王晓蕴|点击数:|2013-04-02



  迟秀娥 吕树泉 王晓蕴 苏秀海

  【摘要】患者男,42岁,因口干、多饮、多尿4年,左侧季肋部疼痛伴咳嗽、气喘1个月入院。有糖尿病病史4年,慢性咳喘病史30年。入院查体,皮肤细腻,面部无须,阴毛稀疏,桶状胸,阴茎短小,睾丸硬而小。实验室检查睾酮低于正常男性,促性腺腺激素高于正常男性。染色体测定46,XY/47,XXY。诊断为克兰费尔特综合征(Klinefelter 综合征) 继发性骨质疏松症、T2DM、支气管哮喘并肺感染、肺气肿。


  Klinefelter syndrome complicated by diabetes and osteoporosis: A case report CHI Xiu-e, LV Shu-quan, WANG Xiao-yun, et al. Department of Endocrinology, Cangzhou Combination of Chinese Traditional and Western Medicine Hospital, Cangzhou 061000, China

  Corresponding author: LV Shu-quan, E-mail: xiue_1973@163.com

  【Summary】A male patient at age of 42 years was admitted to the hospital, because of dry mouth, polydipsia, polyuria for four years, left hypochondrium pain, cough, and asthma for one month. He had a history of 4-year diabetes and 30-year chronic cough and asthma. Hospital physical examination showed his skin was exquisite, and he had no beard, sparse pubic hair, barrel-shaped thorax, short penis, and tough and small testes. The result of lab tests was that his testosterone was lower, his gonadotrophic hormones were higher than normal males, and his chromosome nuclear type was 46, XY/47, XXY. He was diagnosed as the Klinefelter syndrome, secondary osteoporosis, T2DM, and bronchial asthma complicated with infection of the lungs and pulmonary emphysema.

  【Key words】Klinefelter syndrome; Osteoporosis; Diabetes mellitus, Type 2

上一篇:地塞米松影响肝细胞糖代谢的机制及吡格列酮的干预作用的研究 下一篇:成骨细胞在维持机体糖稳态中调节作用的研究