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来自:中国糖尿病资讯网  编辑:editor|点击数:|2012-04-20


  王爱民 徐向进 张玲叶 洪江 牛鹏





  Effects of frequency of self-monitoring of blood glucose and blood glucose control on the hospitalization freguency and cost in type 2 diabetic patients. WANG Ai-min, XU Xiang-jin, ZHANG Ling, et al. Department of Endocrinology, Fuzhou General Hospital of PLA, Nanjing Military Area Command ,Fuzhou 350025, China

  Corresponding author: XU Xiang-jin, E-mail: xu98111@163.com

  【Abstract】ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of freguency of self-monitoring of blood glucose(SMBG) and blood glucose control on the hospitalization freguency and cost in type 2 diabetic patients. Methods The effects of SMBG, diabetic education, follow-up period on blood glucose control, disease control and hospitalization freguency were retrospectively investigated in 2598 cases of outpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus during 10-years follow-up. ResultsPatients who received regular diabetic education and weekly clinic visit had more frequent blood glucose monitoring, better blood glucose control and lower incidence of complication, which significantly correlated with the improved hospitalization rate, cost and duration(P<0.01). Education level,monthly income and living together with their spouses were important factors affecting glucose control and hospitalization rate (P<0.05). ConclusionsThe frequency of SMBG is correlated with glucose control, development of diabetic complication, and hospitalization rate and duration.

  【Key words】Diabetes mellitus, type 2; Family ;SMBG ; Frequency; Hospitalization

上一篇:采用临床信息管理系统对糖尿病患者血糖、血压、血脂达标率及低血糖事件的影响 下一篇:肥胖者颈动脉内膜中层厚度和血铁蛋白、Apelin及胰岛素抵抗关系的研究