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来自:中国糖尿病资讯网  编辑:songty|点击数:|2011-12-23




  【摘要】目的  研究我国蒙古族农牧民代谢综合征(MS)诊断的腰围(WC)适宜切点。方法  以内蒙古自治区通辽市科左后旗朝鲁吐苏木和奈曼旗固日班花苏木32个自然村2589名年龄大于20岁的蒙古族农牧民为研究对象,以国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)MS全球共识诊断标准为基础,分析蒙古族男女不同WC水平与MS其他组分聚集的关联,检出至少两个组分存在时灵敏度和特异度均较高的WC界限,作为诊断蒙古族农牧民MS的WC切点,并以此计算不同年龄组MS 的检出率。结果  随WC增大,MS 组分聚集的OR值显著增高。当男性WC≥84 cm、女性WC≥81 cm 时,ROC 曲线下面积最大。结论  IDF标准在蒙古族农牧民男性中WC切点偏高,宜降至男性≥85cm、女性≥80cm。



  Observation of the cut-off point of waist circumference for diagnosing metabolic syndrome in Mongolian peasants and herdsmenLIU Yang, LIU Yong-yao, WANG Jian,et al. Department of Epidemiology, School of Radiation Medicine and Public Health, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China

  【Abstract】 Objective   To survey the cut-off point of waist circumference for diagnosing metabolic syndrome (MS) in Chinese Mongolian peasants and herdsmen.  Methods   Based on the IDF consensus worldwide definition of metabolic syndrome (2005), 2589 Mongolia adults aged over 20 years from agricultural and pastoral areas in Tongliao city were enrolled to analyze the ORs of the clustering of MS components at different sizes of waist circumference. The sensitivity ,specificity and area under the ROC curve by different cut-off points of waist circumference for identifying at least two components of MS were estimated to find the cut-off points for men and women in Mongolia.  Results   The ORs of the clustering of MS components were increased significantly with the sizes of waist circumference. The waist circumference( ≥84cm for men,≥81 cm for women)corresponded to the largest area under the ROC curve ,namely, at these cut-off points, the rates of sensitivity and specificity for identifying MS were relatively high. Conclusion    The cut-points of WC according to IDF criteria are high for men of Mongolia peasant and herdsmen. It should be lowered to 85cm for men and 80cm for women. This recommendation needs to be further confirmed by follow-up studies in Mongolian people.

  【Key words】Mongolian; Metabolic syndrome ; Waist circumference

上一篇:汶川地震重灾区居民糖尿病患病率调查及特点分析 下一篇:急性冠脉综合征患者经皮冠状动脉介入治疗术后平均血糖与预后的关系