

您的位置:首页 > 中国糖尿病杂志 > 2015年 > 11期


来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:陈海兰 高宇 葛晓春等|点击数:|2016-02-28

      【摘要】 目的    比较女性绝经前后氧化低密度脂蛋白(ox-LDL)水平及其相关影响因素。 方法    根据75 g OGTT将248例研究对象分为NGT、IGR及T2DM组。检测各组ox-LDL及其相关指标水平。结果    T2DM和IGR组ox-LDL水平高于NC组,且绝经后ox-LDL高于绝经前。绝经前ox-LDL与同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)、LDL-C、FPG呈正相关(β‘=0.192、0.294、0.186,P=0.020、0.041、0.043);绝经后oxLDL与Hcy、LDL-C、FPG、SBP呈正相关(β‘=0.159、0.165、0.578、0.220,P=0.002、0.022、<0.001、0.001),与HDL-C呈负相关(β‘=0.150,P=0.007)。 结论   围绝经期女性ox-LDL水平随糖耐量异常水平的增加而升高,绝经后女性ox-LDL与血脂、血糖及Hcy水平密切相关。
      【Abstract】 Objective   To compare the serum level of oxidized low-density lipoprotein(ox-LDL)and its related factors in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Methods    A total of 248 subjects were divided into three groups by 75 g OGTT as normal control (NC) group,IGR group and T2DM group.Serum levels of ox-LDL and related factors were measured in each group. Results   Serum levels of ox-LDL were higher in T2DM and IGR groups than in NC groups and also higher inpostmeno-pausal women than in premenopausal women.Serum ox-LDL was positively correlated with Hcy。LDL-C and FPG in premenopausal women(β‘=0.192,0.294,0.186,P=0.020,0.041,0.043),and positively correlated withHcy,LDL-C,FPG and SBP (β‘’=0.159,0.165,0.578,0.220,P=0.002,0.022,<0.001,0.001),and negatively correlated with HDL-C (β‘=0.150,P=

0.007 )in postmenopausal women. Conclusion    Serum level of ox-LDL in perimenopausal women increases with the severity of glucose metabolism disorder.ox-LDL level was cbosely associated with blood lipids,blood glucose and Hcy in postmenopausal
     【Key words】 Female;Diabetic mellitus,type 2;Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL)

上一篇:新诊断2型糖尿病患者胱抑素C与胰升血糖素、C肽水平的相关性研究 下一篇:高同型半胱氨酸血症对老年糖尿病患者阿司匹林抵抗的影响

