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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:吴方来 汪四虎 黄大祥 张宗兰 |点击数:|2014-08-08

  摘要 暴发性1型糖尿病(Fulminant type 1 diabetes, [微软用户1] FT1DM)是一种凶险的、有别于经典的免疫性T1DM,如未及时诊断及治疗,可危及生命,是内分泌代谢性疾病中的急危重症。其发病与妊娠和产后相关。本文通过对1例产后伴血淀粉酶极度升高的暴发性T1DM的报告并对国内外该病的发病情况、发病机制及相关生化指标作出分析讨论,旨在提高临床工作者对该病重视,做到早期诊断,积极抢救。

  关键词 1型糖尿病; 暴发性;产后;血淀粉酶

  【Summary】Fulminant T1DM is a kind of extremely dangerous disease,which is different from autoimmune T1DM,which is severe acute endocrinal and metabolic diseases should be diagnosed and treated timely in order to avoid threat to life. The incidence associated with pregnancy and the postpartum. One case of confinement combined with fulminant T1DM and extremely elevated serum amylase is reported in this article. The discussions on the incidence,pathogenesis,and the related biochemical indices of this disease are presented here in order to pay attention to the disease, diagnose earlier and to rescue actively.

  【Key words】Fulminant T1DM;Postpartum;Serum amylase

上一篇: 晚期糖基化终产物对血管内皮细胞通透性的影响 下一篇: Wolcott-Rallison综合征的遗传发病机制及诊疗进展