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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑: 张健|点击数:|2014-12-16


  [摘要] T2DM不仅存在高血糖,且往往合并肥胖、IR、血脂异常及高血压等风险因素,使其并发心血管疾病的风险大大增加。因此,理想的糖尿病管理不应仅局限于血糖的控制,更应全面管理各项风险因素。基于肠促胰素治疗的利拉鲁肽,在降低血糖的同时有控制体重,改善血脂,降低SBP等多重益处,为患者早期及长期的T2DM管理提供更理想的选择。本文就T2DM心血管疾病风险管理的重要性及利拉鲁肽在心血管保护效应方面的优势进行简要综述。


  【strstract】Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is not only characterized by hyperglycemia, but also by a combination of obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension; all of which will significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the ideal treatment of T2DM focuses not only on controlling blood sugar but also on managing the various risk factors related to the disease. Liraglutide, which is an incretin-based therapy, helps to control body weight, improve blood lipid, and lower blood pressure and blood glucose. As a result, liraglutide will provide a better choice for the early intervention and long-term management of T2DM. In this article, we systematically review the importance of the comprehensive management of cardiovascular disease in T2DM patients as well as the advantages of liraglutide on cardiovascular protection.

  [Key words] Diabetes mellitus ,type 2; Cardiovascular disease; Liraglutide

上一篇:初级卫生保健人员的糖尿病继续医学教育方式 下一篇:解读ISO15197:2013标准