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来自:中国糖尿病资讯网  编辑:editor|点击数:|2012-10-17

  【摘要】 目的 调查贵阳市20岁及以上成人居民超重及肥胖发生率及其影响因素。 方法 随机整群抽样法选取1514名对象进行问卷调查、体格检查及血糖、血脂的测定。 结果 调查人群平均BMI为(23.70±3.59)kg/m2,超重和肥胖检出率分别为33.42%和11.69%,其中男性超重率(39.76%)高于女性(28.76%)(χ2=18.953,P=0.000),尤其见于20~到40~年龄组;男性及女性肥胖率分别为11.85%及11.65%。与2002年全国资料相比,男性和女性超重及肥胖率均明显增加。受教育程度较高者超重及肥胖率较低。 结论 贵阳市成人超重及肥胖率高,青年男性及受教育程度较低的人群应成为肥胖防治的重点。


  Prevalence and risk factors of overweight and obesity in the adults of Guiyang city ZHANG Miao, PENG Nianchun, SHI Lixin, et al. Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, the Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang Medical College, Guiyang550004, China

  Corresponding author: PENG Nianchun,E-mail: pnch2001@126.com

  【Abstract】 Objective To study the prevalence and risk factors of overweight and obesity of the adults aged 20 and over in Guiyang City. Methods Data of 1514 subjects randomly selected by cluster sampling were collected through questionnaire, physical examination and blood glucose and lipid assay. Results The mean BMI of all subjects was (23.70±3.59)kg/m2. Among all subjects, 33.42% were overweight and 11.69% were obesity. The prevalence of overweight was 39.76% in male (n=636), higher than 28.76% in female (n=878) (χ2=18.953, P=0.000), especially in the group aged 20~ to 40~. The prevalence of obesity was 11.85% and 11.65% in male and female respectively. Compared with the data of the whole country in 2002, the prevalence of overweight and obesity increased, both in male and female. Subjects with higher education background had a lower rate of overweight and obesity. Conclusion The prevalence of overweight and obesity is high in the adults of Guiyang city, and young male and people with lower education background should be given more attention.

  【Key words】Overweight; Obesity; Body mass index (BMI); Affecting factors

上一篇:糖代谢改善对2型糖尿病患者血浆vaspin水平的影响 下一篇:GRP78在正常与肥胖女性患者网膜脂肪组织中表达水平的比较研究