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来自:中国糖尿病资讯网  编辑:wj|点击数:|2011-10-20


王艳荣 仝小林 肖新华 沙一岭 刘志艳 刘杰


作者单位:100191 北京大学第三医院内分泌科(王艳荣);中国中医科学院广安门医院(仝小林);北京协和医院内分泌科(肖新华);鹤岗市人民医院(沙一岭、刘志艳、刘杰)

【摘要】 目的 观察天芪降糖胶囊预防糖耐量减低(IGT)患者进展为2型糖尿病的疗效。 方法 以口服75g葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)确诊的IGT患者168例,其中男74例,女94例。随机分为对照组74例,天芪降糖胶囊治疗组94例,两组均进行相同的生活方式干预。对照组予以安慰剂胶囊口服,1次5粒,3次/d;治疗组采用天芪降糖胶囊1次5粒,3次/d;每3个月作1次OGTT及胰岛素释放试验,同时测身高、体重,观察1年。 结果 天芪降糖胶囊治疗组糖尿病转化率明显低于对照组(22.47% vs 40.00%,P<0.05),而逆转为正常糖耐量比率明显高于对照组(50.56% vs 24.29%,P<0.05);天芪组HOMA-IR较对照组显著降低(1.87±0.71 vs 2.20±0.71,P<0.05)。 结论 天芪降糖胶囊可能通过改善IGT人群胰岛素抵抗,延缓其向2型糖尿病转化。

【关键词】 天芪降糖胶囊;糖耐量减低;糖尿病,2型


The therapeutic efficacy of tianqi capsule in intervention of patients with impaired glucose tolerance

WANG Yan-rong,TONG Xiao-lin,XIAO Xin-hua,et al. Department of Endocrinology, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing 100191, China

【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the effects of tianqi capsule in preventing the conversion of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) to type 2 diabetes in prediabetic patients. Methods Total 168 individuals with IGT were diagnosed by 75g OGTT (WHO 1999), with their age of 25-70 years and BMI of 18.8-30 kg/m2. They were randomized into 2 groups: control group (n=74) and tianqi group (n=94). All patients received lifestyle interventions. The control group was treated with placebo capsule 5 pills 3 times a day, while tianqi group was allocated to take tianqi capsule 5 pills 3 times a day. BMI and 75g OGTT and insulin release test were determined once every 3 months for 1 year. The primary end-point was the development of type 2 diabetes diagnosed by 75g OGTT. Results At the end of the study, the IGT-to-DM conversion rate in tianqi group was significantly lower than in control group (22.47% vs 40.00%, P<0.05), and the IGT-to-NGT conversion rate in Tianqi group was higher than in control group (50.56% vs 24.29%, P<0.05). Compared with control group, HOMA-IR in Tianqi group remarkably decreased (1.87±0.71 vs 2.20±0.71, P<0.05). Conclusions Tianqi capsule has a beneficial effect on delaying the conversion of IGT to type 2 diabetes, possibly due to improving insulin sensitivity.

【Key words】 Tianqi capsule; Impaired glucose tolerance; Diabetes mellitus, type 2

上一篇:2型糖尿病非增生型视网膜病变与颈动脉内膜中层厚度的关系 下一篇:男性糖尿病患者外周血内皮祖细胞与血管病变关系的研究