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来自:中国糖尿病资讯网  编辑:songty|点击数:|2011-12-23


  张春玉、王 黎、张 萍、苏本利



  【摘要】目的   观察地特胰岛素联合口服降糖药(OAD)对OAD控制不佳的T2DM患者血糖控制的影响。方法   入选30 例口服降糖药效果欠佳的T2DM患者,给予地特胰岛素治疗。分别于治疗前、治疗后12周、治疗后24周测定HbA1c、FBG、体重、BMI。结果   应用地特胰岛素治疗24 周后HbA1c、FBG较治疗前均明显降低(P<0.05)。治疗前后血脂、体重、BMI、腰围、臀围无明显变化。应用地特胰岛素治疗低血糖事件发生率较低,且无夜间低血糖事件。结论   地特胰岛素联合OAD治疗可以改善OAD疗效差的T2DM病情,体重增加不明显,低血糖发生率低。

  【关键词】糖尿病,2 型;口服降血糖药;HbA1c; 地特胰岛素


  Effect of insulin detemir as add-on therapy to previous oral anti-diabetes drugs on blood glucose level in type 2 diabetes patientsZHANG Chun-yu , WANG Li , ZHANG Ping, et al.Department of Endocrinology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116023, China

  【Abstract】Objective   To observe the effects of detemir injection in combination with oral anti-diabetes drugs(OAD) on blood glucose level in type 2 diabetes patients with a poor response to OAD. Methods   Thirty type 2 diabetic patients treated with detemir plus OAD for 24 weeks were enrolled. HbA1c, FBG, lipid profile, weight and BMI were monitored before and after treatment. Results    At week 24, the HbA1c decreased from (8.059±1.33)% to (6.961±0.54)% in detemir plus OAD group versus in baseline (P<0.05), while the FBG decreased from(9.317±1.72)mmol/L to(6.441±0.56)mmol/L (P<0.05).No significant difference in weight and BMI before versus after treatment was found. The incidence rate of hypoglycemia was low and no hypoglycemia occurred at night. Conclusion   The combined detemir and OAD therapy improves the poorly controlled T2DM control, with low incidence rates of hypoglycemia and body weight gain.

  【Key words】Diabetes mellitus,type 2; Oral anti-diabetes drugs; HbA1c; Insulin determir

上一篇:肾小球疾病患者糖代谢改变相关因素探讨 下一篇:格列美脲与格列本脲治疗2型糖尿病疗效的系统评价