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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:王丽娜 田丹丹 蒋升|点击数:|2016-04-05

摘要】  目的  分析新疆维吾尔(下称“维族”)族、哈萨克族(下称“哈族”)和汉族IFG人群脉压(PP)水平及其危险因素。 方法  对新疆地区69283080岁维族、哈族和汉族居民行横断面调查,筛查IFG人群,分析该人群PP水平及相关危险因素。  结果  2027IFG人群中,PP水平为(44.550±14.212mmHg,其中,维族(41.020±11.315mmHg、哈族(53.420±16.979mmHg、汉族(44.350±14.013mmHg,(P0.05)。IFG人群中PP异常总发生率为51.9(10532027),且男性多于女性(64.8% vs 35.2%)。维族PP异常发生率为 41.9(257/614),哈族PP异常率为71.5(193/270),汉族PP异常发生率为52.8(6031143)3个民族中,哈族PP异常发生率最高,维族最低 (c2=66.618,P0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示,IFG人群总体PP异常的危险因素是民族、年龄、2 hPGLDL-CTCTGBMI。其中,维族PP的危险因素是年龄、LDL-CTCTG。哈族PP的危险因素是年龄、2 hPGLDL-CTCBMI。汉族PP的危险因素是年龄、LDL-CTGBMI  结论  新疆地区维族、哈族及汉族IFG人群PP异常总发生率为51.9%,PP异常危险因素为年龄、2 hPGLDL-CTCTGBMI3个民族共同的危险因素是年龄和LDL-C

【关键词】 空腹血糖受损;脉压水平;危险因素

Pulse pressure level and its related factors in patients with impaired fasting glucose in Xinjiang UygurKazak and Han nationality WANG Li-naTIAN Dan-danJIANG Sheng. Department of EndocrinologyThe First Teaching Hospital of Xinjiang Medical UniversityUrumqi 830013China

Corresponding authorJIANG ShengE-mailxjjsh@126.com

[Abstract] Objective  To analysis pulse pressure (PP) level and its related factors in patients with impaired fasting glucose in Xinjiang Uygur,Kazak and Han nationality.  Methods  A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 6928 subjects in Uygur,Kazak and Han residents aged 30 to 80 years old in Xinjiang provincePulse pressure level and its related factors in patients with impaired fasting glucose were analyzedResults  In 2027 IFG subjects, the average PP level was(44.550±14.212)mmHg. Among them,(41.020±11.315)mmHg in Uygur,(53.420±16.979)mmHg in Kazak and(44.350±14.013)mmHg in Han nationality(P0.05). The prevalence of abnormal PP in the whole population was 51.9% (1053/2027).The prevalence of abnormal PP in Uygur is 41.9%(257614) , in Kazak 71.5%(193/270), and in Han nationality 52.8%(6031143).The prevalence of abnormal PP in Xinjiang appeared to be highest inKazakh and lowest in Uygur(c2=66.618,P0.05).Logistic regression analysis showed that ethnic,age, 2 hPG,LDL-C,TC,TG and BMI were risk factors for abnormal PP in the whole population. Age,LDL-C,TC and TG were risk factors for abnormal PP in Uygur population.Age,2 hPG,LDL-C,TC and BMI were risk factors for abnormal PP in Kazak population, and age,LDL-C,TG and BMI were risk factors for abnormal PP in Han population.  Conclusion   The prevalence of abnormal PP in the whole population was 51.9%. Age, 2 hPG,LDL-C,TC,TG and BMI are risk factors for abnormal PP. Age and LDL-C are the common risk factors in the three nationalities.

Key wordsImpaired fasting glucose(IFG);Pulse pressure levels; Risk factors

上一篇:糖化血红蛋白在新疆喀什维吾尔族2型糖尿病诊断与筛查中的价值 下一篇:新诊断2型糖尿病患者胰岛素强化治疗对肾上腺皮质及交感-肾上腺髓质功能的影响

