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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:谷晓阳 甄橙 纪立农|点击数:|2016-04-05

[摘要] 目的  研究ADA和糖尿患者伊娃·萨克斯尔及家人共同对抗糖尿病社会成见的历史。  方法   收集利用上海档案馆馆藏档案资料、专业期刊及大众传媒相关文献、音视频资料,通过文献学方法进行医学史研究。 结果  获得了糖尿病患者伊娃·萨克斯尔的生平史料,了解了二战后ADA通过媒体宣传来改善社会对糖尿病患者歧视过程中患者发挥的作用。 结论  通过患者、家庭、医生、医学组织的协同作用可以更好地对抗糖尿病社会成见, 提高患者的生活质量。


Out Of the Isolated IslandDoctors and Patients Fighting Diabetes Stigma Together GU Xiao-yangZHEN ChengJI Li-nongCenter for History of MedicinePeking UniversityBeijing 100191China

Corresponding authorZHEN ChengE-mailzhencheng@bjmu.edu.cn; JI Li-nongE-mailjiln@bjmu.edu.cn

[Abstract] Objective  To study the history of how the NE.Cms_InsertAmerican Diabetes Association(ADA) fought along side with the diabetic patient Eva Saxl and her family against the stigma towards diabetes.   Methods  By collecting and analyzing the archives in Shanghai Archive Center, relevant essays and articles in medical journals and mess media, audio and visual resources, the authors tried to establish a case study of history of medicine using philological method.  Results  The historical materials of Eva Saxl’s life have been collected. How she helped the ADA to reduce discrimination against diabetics using media publicity has been studied. Conclusion  The collective work of patients、family members、doctors and medical organizations can make the social mobilization against the diabetes stigma more effective.

[Key words] Eva Saxl; Diabetes mellitus; Stigma; History of Medicine

上一篇:高度警惕老年糖尿病患者夜间无症状低血糖引发致命性心律失常的危险 下一篇:已经是最后一篇了

