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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:张盼 娄培安 娄荷清 赵晶 陈培培 等|点击数:|2016-04-05

摘要】  目的  探讨T2DM患者焦虑状态和HbA1c间的关系。  方法  采用多阶段整群随机抽样方法,应用自行设计的一般情况调查表、焦虑抑郁状态自评量表对患者进行调查,并检测HbA1c。采用多元逐步回归分析模型探讨焦虑状态和HbA1c的关联。  结果  焦虑状态患者HbA1c达标率为17.90%(97/542),无焦虑状态患者达标率为25.65%(108/421),两者比较,比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=8.51,P=0.01)。无焦虑、轻度、中度和重度焦虑患者中,血糖达标的比例分别为25.65%(108/421)18.96%(80/422)15.18%(17/112)0.00%(0/8)T2DM患者焦虑状态程度越严重,患者血糖达标率越低(χ2趋势=10.27,P0.01),HbA1c越高(F=4.24P0.01)。多元线性逐步回归分析发现,女性、独居、人均月收入低、病程长和焦虑状态是HbA1c升高的危险因素。  结论  T2DM患者焦虑状态与HbA1c值间存在关联。

【关键词】  糖尿病,2; 焦虑状态; 糖化血红蛋白

Association of anxiety and hemoglobin A1c in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus  ZHANG Pan, LOU Pei-an, LOU He-qing, et al. Xuzhou Medical College Xuzhou 221009China

Corresponding author: LOU Pei-an, E-mail: lpa82835415@126.com

Abstract Objective  To investigate the association between anxiety and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).  Methods  Cluster sampling was used in this study. The self-designed questionnaire, self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) and self-rating depression scale (SDS) questionnaire were filled out by all participants. HbA1c were measured in all subjects. Multiple stepwise regression analyse was used to examine the association between anxiety and HbA1c.  Results  Target HbA1c achievement rate were significantly different in T2DM patients with and without anxiety (17.89% vs 25.65% respectively, χ2=8.51, P=0.01). Target HbA1c achievement rates in patient with ‘no anxiety’, ‘mild anxiety’, ‘moderate anxiety’ and ‘severe anxiety’ were 25.65%,18.96%,15.18% and 0.00% respectively. The more serious of anxiety, the lower glycemic control rate(χ2trend =10.27,P0.01), and the higher average value of HbAlcF=4.24P0.01. Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that gender, residential pattern, per capita monthly income, duration of diabetes and anxiety were risk factors for HbA1c.  Conclusion  Anxiety is associated with HbA1c in T2DM patients.

【Key  words】  Diabetes mellitus, type 2; Anxiety; Hemoglobin A1c

上一篇:乌鲁木齐空腹血糖受损者合并高尿酸血症相关危险因素的分析 下一篇:糖化血红蛋白在新疆喀什维吾尔族2型糖尿病诊断与筛查中的价值