

您的位置:首页 > 中国糖尿病杂志 > 2015年 > 9期


来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:刘兴振 邹大进|点击数:|2015-09-24


  【提要】 肥胖及肥胖相关疾病(如T2DM)在全球的发病率逐年增加。胃肠代谢手术用于重度肥胖的治疗,对肥胖及相关疾病有效。相较普通外科手术,接受该手术的患者肥胖甚至重度肥胖,其生理及病理变化异于正常体重者,其围手术期及术后需要全面的评估及管理。本文主要阐述术前评估和准备,手术过程中及术后营养和内分泌的管理。

  【关键词】 围手术期管理;肥胖;胃肠代谢手术

  Preoperative assessment and perioperative management for metabolic surgery in obese and type 2 diabetic patients LIU Xing-zhen,ZOU Da-jin.Department of Endocrinology,Changhai Hospital,Shanghai 200433,China

  Corresponding author:ZOU Da-Jin,E-mail:zwjd22@medmail.com.cn

  【Summary】 The incidence of obesity and obesity-related diseases (such as T2DM) increases year by year in the world. Metabolic surgery has increasingly been applied to patients with severe obesity. Studies have indicated that metabolic surgery is effective in obesity and obesity-related diseases. Since patients undergoing metabolic surgery are obese or severely obese,whose physiological and pathological changes are different with those of non-obese patients,a comprehensive assessment and management during perioperative period and after the operation were needed. This article mainly expounds preoperative evaluation and preparation,management of surgery process and postoperative nutrition and endocrine management.

  【Key words】 Perioperative management;Obesity;Metabolic surgery

上一篇:代谢手术术后远期并发症的防治及长期管理 下一篇:肥胖及2型糖尿病代谢手术术式比较

