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来自:中国糖尿病杂志  编辑:张霞 刘立朝 于蕊 王晓梅 李琳 张晓 |点击数:|2015-01-28

【摘要】目的 评估2009~2011年大连地区门诊T2DM患者HbA1c达标情况及口服降糖药物治疗现状。方法 收集2009年1171例,2010年1196例和2011年1245例T2DM患者临床数据,以HbA1c<7%为控制达标。 结果 3年平均HbA1c水平为(8.8±2.1)%、(8.5±1.9)% 及(8.8±2.3)%;达标率为20.6%、21.3%及21.6%。口服降糖药物使用比例依次为二甲双胍(M)、糖苷酶抑制剂(A)、磺脲类(S)、格列奈类(G)、增敏剂类(T);常用的双药组合依次是M+A、S+M、S+A。3年单药、双药、三药及以上治疗方案达标率为43.4%、27.0%及11.5%。 结论 大连地区门诊T2DM患者中仅有不到1/4血糖实现控制达标。口服降糖药物中M和A最常用,双药联合方案是最主要的治疗方案,单药HbA1c达标率最高。

  【关键词】糖尿病,2型;投药, 口服;糖化血红蛋白;口服降糖药;血糖控制达标

  【Abstract】 Objective To assess the 3-year status of glycaemic control in type 2 diabetic outpatients on oral antidiabetic drugs (OADs) in Dalian. Methods The clinical data of a total of 1171, 1196 and 1245 outpatients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) inform 2009, 2010 and 2011 respectively, were collected according to questionnaire and clinical blood results. Results The mean hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in 2009, 2010 and 2011 was (8.8±2.1)%, (8.5±1.9)% and (8.8±2.3)% respectively. There were 20.6% of informants targeted HbA1c<7%in 2009,21.3% of informants targeted HbA1c<7%in 2010 and 21.6% of informants targeted HbA1c<7%in 2011. For therapeutic protocols,39.0% of patients were undertaking the single OAD treatment, while 50.3% of patients with two kinds of OADs and 10.7% with three kinds OADs or more. It was found that 43.4%, 27.0% and 11.5% of the patients receiving one OAD, two OADs and three OADs or more achieved glycaemic control target. The ordinal ratio of OADs consumption was metformin (M), glucosidase inhibitors (A), sulfonylureas (S), glinides (G) and TZDs (T). Among the combined treatment regimens, M+A was the most frequently used compared with S+M, S+A, G+M, G+A and M+T. Conclusions The target rate of blood glucose control in our survey is less than 25%. Among all OADs, M and A are frequently used in outpatients of T2DM and two OADs combination treatment regimen is most frequently used in all therapeutic protocols. The patients receiving one OAD achieved the best blood glucose control.

  【Key words】Type 2 diabetes;Administration, Oral ;Hemoglobin/Hemoglobin (HbA1c);Oral antidiabetic drugs;Glycaemic control target

上一篇:贵州省18岁以上成人2型糖尿病和血脂异常的关系分析 下一篇:两例严重胰岛素抵抗综合征的临床及遗传学研究